Displaying 191 - 200 of 291
infographic stating "questions about covid-19? dial 2-1-1
The Iowa Department of Public Health has established a hotline for questions regarding COVID-19/coronavirus. Dial 2-1-1 to have your questions answered.
Posted: March 10, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020: Dr. Louis Katz, Medical Director for the Scott County Health Department, and community health partners provided a local update on COVID-19:
Posted: March 9, 2020
The inside of a tanning bed.
On February 6, 2020, the Scott County Board of Supervisors passed and approved new Chapter 39 - Tanning Facilities to the Scott County Code of Ordinances . The code establishes an ordinance for minimum standards for inspections and provides penalties for violation of the provisions of tanning...
Posted: February 6, 2020
Infographic detailing steps to keep food safe for super bowl parties
Food is sometimes the best part of the Super Bowl! Follow this food safety rules to make sure your game day buffet is a win! https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/rules-of-game.html
Posted: January 27, 2020
coronavirus image with sphere with red;
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) are closely monitoring the spread of novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S. and Iowa.
Posted: January 23, 2020
Attendees at the Disaster Conference.
Posted: January 20, 2020
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation Attached 12/5/2019 Public Meeting to Obtain Input on Proposed Park View Rental Registration and Inspections Regulations
Posted: November 20, 2019
New Publication Highlights Connection Between Education and Life Expectancy Publication: Preventative Medicine Reports 2019 Article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335519301512?via%3Dihub A recent study has focused on the link between education and life expectancy. In public...
Posted: November 4, 2019
Front Cover of FY19 Annual Report
Our Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report has been posted. https://www.scottcountyiowa.com/…/board-heal…/annual-reports
Posted: October 30, 2019
Keep your family strong, get your family vaccinated poster with superhero arm with bandaid from vaccine
#FightFlu Now is the time to get a #flu vaccine and protect your family before flu begins spreading in your community.
Posted: October 2, 2019
