If disaster strikes, are you ready? Whether at home, in our neighborhoods, at work/school, or traveling the globe, prepare for everywhere! Check out the September Public Health Connection Newsletter to learn more.
From family picnics to potlucks to backyard barbeques, tips from the Food Program at the Scott County Health Department can help you enjoy some of the favorite foods of summer safely!
Scott County is part of the State of Iowa Alert Iowa - a county/statewide mass notification and emergency messaging system which can be used by state and local authorities to quickly disseminate emergency information to residents in counties that utilize the system. Learn More and Sign Up
Beginning in late 2014, the health entities in our community, Scott County Health Department, Rock Island County Health Department, Community Health Care, Inc., Genesis Health System, UnityPoint Health - Trinity, and the Quad City Health Initiative, began undertaking the process of planning the...
The “You are the Key” campaign targets parents, the decision - makers when it comes to vaccinating their children. “ About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year,” said Scott County Health Department’s Clinical Services Coordinator Roma Taylor.