Health News & Notices

Food Rescue Workshop Taking Place September 26 in Davenport

Davenport, IA - The Quad Cities' Food Rescue Partnership is hosting a biennial Food Rescue Workshop on September 26 in Davenport, Iowa.

The workshop will follow the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Wasted Food Scale through sessions with industry experts and teach attendees about the important role individuals and professional food establishments play in reducing food waste.

“In the U.S., we throw away 40% of our food, according to the National Resources Defense Council, while 25.2% of Quad Citizens surveyed in the 2021 Community Health Assessment are food insecure,” explains Christina McDonough, Board Chair.

For the third time, the Food Rescue Partnership event will announce the Quad Cities Food Rescue Warrior and Member of the Year. Nominations are open for local citizens to be recognized for their food rescue efforts.
The workshop will take place at St. Ambrose University in Davenport on September 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend, and the workshop hopes to draw community members and professional food establishments. More information and Food Rescue Warrior nominations is at

About the Food Rescue Partnership
Established in 2013, Food Rescue Partnership is a community-led coalition with a vision to make the Quad Cities a community dedicated to eliminating food waste, by promoting to rescue food for its best possible use. Through collaborative efforts, Food Rescue Partnership has diverted over 58,330 pounds of food from the landfill by connecting professional food establishments and one-time event coordinators to donate access edible food to local non-profit hunger-relief agencies or compost operations. For additional information, please visit

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