Marriage Officiants and Magistrate Judges

The following Magistrate Judges perform marriage ceremonies in Scott County, Iowa. You are responsible for contacting them to make arrangements for the wedding service and associated fees.

  • Paul Aitken, (563)323-2500
  • Christine Frederick, (563)323-7007
  • Peter Gierut, (563)355-5303
  • Jay Sommers, (563)359-2939
  • Eric Syverud, (563)441-0269
  • Cindy Taylor, (563)323-7007
  • Doug Wells, (563)359-3591
  • Stephen Wing, (563)323-3000


In addition to the Scott County Magistrate Judges listed above, Iowa Code 595.10(2) authorizes persons ordained or designated as a leader of the person’s religious faith to perform marriage ceremonies.

From Iowa Code 595.10 Who may solemnize:

  1. A judge of the supreme court, court of appeals, or district court, including a district associate judge, associate juvenile judge, or a judicial magistrate, and including a senior judge as defined in section 602.9202, subsection 1.
  2. A person ordained or designated as a leader of the person's religious faith.