Employee Blood Drive

MVRBC Logo with text "Blood Drive Reminder"

Blood donors help save lives, will you give?  We're scheduling donors for our upcoming Scott County Employee Blood Drive and want to invite you to help save lives by giving blood. 

  • WHEN: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm (Lunch Break from 11:30 am to 1:00pm)
  • WHERE: Scott County Administration Building, 1st Floor Board Room
  • HOW: Click Here to Schedule Your Appointment to Donate or contact [email protected] to schedule your appointment
  • WHY: You will be giving back to your community and helping save lives!  MVRBC is the sole provider of blood products to all Quad Cities hospitals and clinics.  Your donation will help ensure they have the supplies needed to provide to those in need through the busy holiday months when donations typically drop!

Blood donors provide a critical, lifesaving resource used to help treat cancer patients, trauma victims, those needing surgery, and many other patients at hospitals in your community and throughout our region.

Thank you for giving back to our community!

Please take a moment to watch our Donor Relations Consultant’s story, and know how important what you do is to her, to those who receive your blood products, and to your Blood Center. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 12:00am