Employee of the Quarter Nominations

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It’s time to submit your Employee of the Quarter nominations!

This is your chance to recognize and appreciate the outstanding efforts of your co-workers who consistently demonstrates P.R.I.D.E and has a positive impact in your department, for the county, and to the public we serve. Any regular full or part time employee may be nominated.

Please complete the attached nomination form on the EOQ page to describe how your co-worker has gone above and submit by 4:30PM, Friday, February 14, 2025.

The winner, selected by the EOQ committee, will be recognized at the quarterly P.R.I.D.E recognition presentation on December 17th. In addition to a dedicated parking spot for Administrative Center and Courthouse employees, the winner receives a $100 gift card. I know we have amazing co-workers – please share their stories with us!

Friday, February 14, 2025 - 4:30pm