Phone Calls and Visitation

Phone calls

Only a resident’s mother, father, and grandparents may speak with residents on the phone.

  • Phone times are:
    • 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm, 2:45 pm - 8:30 pm on weekdays.
    • 12:00 pm - 8:30 pm on weekends and non-school days.
    • Except during meals, chores or planned activities.
  • Phone calls are not monitored.
  • Residents may attempt to call their parent or grandparent, once per hour as long as they are not involved in an activity.
  • Misuse of phone privilege may result in limited phone use (5 minutes) until behavior improves.
  • Continued misuse of phone calls (talking with friends instead of family) may result in suspension of phone use for a specific number of days.


Residents may visits with immediate family members (parents, siblings, grandparents). Friends are not permitted to visit residents. Parents must call in advance and set up an appointment.

  • Visiting hours are:
    • 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm, 2:45 pm - 8:30 pm on weekdays.
    • 12:00 pm - 8:30 pm on weekends and non-school days.
    • Except during meals, chores or planned activities.
  • Parents need to call in advance and set up an appointment time so that the visitor’s room will be available for the visit.
  • All siblings must visit under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Siblings in the 7th grade or above will be required to present a picture ID in order to visit.
  • Due to limited space grandparents must come at the same time as parents for visits.
  • Staff maintains the right to monitor all visits to ensure security.
  • If a visit is to be monitored, the specific reasons will be explained to the resident and family and documented in the residents care plan.
  • Residents will be given a pat search after all visits.
  • Visits with resident’s attorney, Juvenile Court Officer or social worker are never monitored.
  • Special arrangements can be made if a resident is leaving for another placement, if these times are before 9 am. Parents are required to schedule this visit to make sure room will be available.


Residents may send and receive mail unless prohibited by court order

  • All of the resident’s mail must go through the Post Office.
  • No hand delivered mail is allowed, with exception of court orders.
  • Staff members will not open or read resident’s mail.
  • Residents are required to open all mail in the presence of a staff member to determine that it is free of any contraband.
  • Residents are provided materials necessary for sending a letter.
  • Stamps are provided for residents.
  • No mail will be received from the following:
    • Prisons, Jails, Half-way houses, Toledo State Training School, Residential placements without the permission of the residents Juvenile Court Officer or order from the judge.
  • Mail received from former residents will be put in resident’s personal items until discharge.
  • Residents are not allowed to exchange their phone numbers or addresses while at the center.