National Retirement Security Week

Image of foot steps symbolizing the "Retirement Journey"

National Retirement Security Week is October 15-21, 2017, and it is a great time to assess your financial wellness and make adjustments for your future!  Check out these 5 Retirement Journey Field Notes to assess your financial wellness and ensure you're on track for your future.

Retirement Journey Field Note #1:  Start As Soon As Possible
One of the smartest things you can do on the way to retirement is to start saving as soon as you are able to.  Enrolling in your company’s retirement plan is one of the most important things you can do as you begin your retirement story. Even if you start off small, saving now can go a long way over time.
Go to to check out our Cost of Delay calculator to see just how much you can save!  Contact Hiliary if you’d like to get started saving. 

Retirement Journey Field Note #2: One Small Step Today Goes A Long Way For Your Financial Future
Making small changes to your everyday life can help you save towards the next chapter of your story. Forgo the gourmet coffee and put that money towards your retirement. Go to to check out their Small Change, Big Savings calculator to see how giving up small items can add up! 

Retirement Journey Field Note #3: Let's Do The Math- Your Tax Deferred Savings Can Multiply With The Power Of Compound Interest
Once you enroll in your company’s retirement plan, watch your savings grow as you work towards reaching the end of your story—RETIREMENT! Go to to check out our Grow Your Savings calculator to see how your savings add up!

Retirement Journey Field Note #4: How Long Are You Going To Live In Retirement
Imagine that your retired life lasts as long as your working life.  It can happpen, and saving a little more now will make a big difference then.  By increasing your contribution amount, you can help give your retirement dreams a boost. Saving more now can add up to big savings when you retire. Go to to check out our Boost Your Savings calculator to see how increasing your contributions can boost your future savings!  If you wish to make a change to what you are currently contributing you can find the Deferred Compensation Change Form here.

Retirement Journey Field Note #5: Complete The Picture
Your pension and Social Security can take you pretty far on your journey to retirement.  But an employer sponsored savings plan, such as a 457 Deferred Compensation plan, can help make the picture complete.  Are you on track to retire? Knowing where you stand during your retirement story can make all the difference once it's time to retire. Go to and log into your account to see if you are on track!

October 15, 2017