Join us for a presentation on
Come early to Meet and greet with Leland Searles, Consulting Ecologist and Brian Burkholder, Roadside Vegetation Specialist from 6:00-6:20 p.m.
The Scott County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management (IRVM) team is working to preserve, create and maintain native Iowa prairie along secondary roads within the county.
IRVM is an approach to right-of-way maintenance that combines a variety of management techniques with sound ecological principles to establish and maintain safe, healthy, functional roadsides. IRVM includes judicious use of herbicides, spot mowing, prescribed burning, mechanical tree and brush removal and the prevention and treatment of erosion and other disturbances to the right-of-way.
A long-term IRVM objective is to establish diverse stands of native plants in the right-of-way. These strong, weed-resistant plant communities adapt to all roadside conditions and provide a variety of services: enhancing rainfall infiltration; slowing runoff; trapping sediment; reducing erosion and creationg habitat for pollinators, nesting and other wildlife.