Inspire Career Discovery

Students visiting job location

QC Career Connections


QC Career Connection is seeking volunteers to share career information with the future workforce. Serving middle and high school students

Mulitple ways to participate:

  • Classroom Presentations: Professionals visit schools and programs to give interactive presentations about their current profession and career journey. (30-60 min.)
  • Worksite Tours: Businesses and organizations invite students into their operations to learn about the site and see the workplace environment. (45-90 min.)
  • Job Shadows: Students are invited into a business to observe a career in action and learn directly from a professional. (60 min- work day)
  • Internships: Businesses and organizations host student interns to give them a hands-on experience in a specific career field. (time varies)

For more information or call 563.336.3325

February 12, 2016