Displaying 71 - 80 of 88
Fire/EMS, Police 911 Dispatch logo.
RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR’S WEEK APRIL 14TH – APRIL 20TH, 2019 Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as Public Safety Telecommunicator’s. This week is designated to recognize those Public Safety Telecommunicator’s who serve the public in countless ways without due recognition by the beneficiaries of their services. We at SECC would like to recognize our Public Safety Telecommunicators and thank them for their service and commitment to the profession.
Posted: April 1, 2019
Disaster Readiness Conference Attendees
Quad Cities Disaster Readiness Conference Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Program: 8:15am-4:00pm Doors open at 7am Lunch Provided for Registrants Waterfront Convention Center, Bettendorf, Iowa Registration Closes March 28—No Walk-ins
Posted: March 15, 2019
Fire/EMS, Police 911 Dispatch logo.
RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR’S WEEK APRIL 8TH – APRIL 14TH Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as Public Safety Telecommunicator’s. The official name of the week, when originally introduced in Congress in 1991, was "National...
Posted: April 1, 2018
Disaster Readiness Conference Attendees
Quad Cities Disaster Readiness Conference Wednesday April 4, 2018 Program: 8:15am-4:15pm Doors open at 7am Lunch Provided for Registrants Waterfront Convention Center, Bettendorf, Iowa
Posted: February 1, 2018
Scott County Impacted by flash flooding. Case management, financial and legal assistance is available for impacted residents. Case management, grants and legal assistance are available to eligible Scott County residents impacted by flash flooding resulting from heavy rains on June 20, 2018.
Posted: February 1, 2018
Scott County Emergency Management Agency is requesting bids for a hazardous materials commodity flow study for Scott County. The purpose of this study is to provide the Quad City Local Emergency Planning Committee (QCLEPC) with a comprehensive assessment of the hazardous materials and substances...
Posted: November 16, 2017
"Water Over Road" sign on roadway submerged in water.
Public Meeting for Hazard Mitigation Plan A meeting of the Scott County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Scott Emergency Communications Center, 1100 E 46th Street, Davenport Iowa to accept comments prior to...
Posted: August 24, 2017
Fire/EMS, Police 911 Dispatch logo.
RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR’S WEEK APRIL 9TH – APRIL 15TH Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as Public Safety Telecommunicator’s. The official name of the week, when originally introduced in Congress in 1991, was "National...
Posted: April 1, 2017
Hometown Security - resources for businesses and the community The US Department of Homeland Security has a program called "Hometown Security" designed to develop partnerships in the community that will mitigate risk and enhance security and resilience. DHS encourages businesses to: Connect -...
Posted: April 1, 2017
Down power line with metal debris in nearby trees.
On March 6, 2017 an EF-2 tornado tracked through Scott County inflicting property damage in numerous locations throughout the county. See the track of the tornado from the National Weather Service damage survey team here: http://apps.dat.noaa.gov/StormDamage/DamageViewer/ Fortunately, no one was...
Posted: March 9, 2017
